Monday, May 19, 2008

“See It, Feel It, Smell It, and Enjoy It”

Study, study, and more study. I think the last few years has been little more than doing just that. I’ve read a library of books and I’ve never been a reader. I’ve watched “The Secret” DVD at least two dozen times. I’ve also listened to Bob Proctors audio series, SGR (taken from Wallace Wattles book “The Science of Getting Rich), countless times.

Having gone though all of this in an effort to improve ME, I’ve have found one thing that works for me. Write down your #1 goal. Get pictures of it. Create a vision, a mental movie. Play the movie everyday, several times a day if you can.

As you can well see, the whole idea hear is to imagine yourself with your goal. You must mentally “be there” having already achieved it. When you can do this, it must happen.

Your job is to decide what YOU want and focus on “having it”. This will inspire the proper activity. Follow that. Everything else, God will provide.

Bob “The nonGeek Geek”

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