Thursday, May 1, 2008

"17 Years In The Wrong Business"

This is a press release that I published recently because of a simple but life changing test that I took last fall.


MAGNOLIA, AR – After 17 years as a computer business owner, Bob Thomason realized that he had been in the wrong business. A simple online test was a real “eye opener”.

“I’ve known for years that I was not among the best programmers but I did not understand really why. I just knew that it required a mental focus could really be a challenge at times.” said Bob. “I also knew that I enjoyed talking and working with people more than programming and saw this as an asset but did not really understand what was going on in my head.”

Last fall Bob was introduced to an online psychometric (personality) test by a friend while working on other business projects. He was encouraged several times to take the test to satisfy a curiosity. “Wow”, said Bob, “This is a real eye opener for me. I knew I lacked focus but I did not know why. This simple report has just given me one of the biggest clues in my life.”

Psychometric testing is certainly nothing new. Tests of this type were once very time consuming and difficult because they were taken on paper and required someone to analyze the results. Now, the ability to utilize this test through a simple online exam is truly remarkable.

My Profile is an Australian company that specializes in psychometric testing and training. They serve multiple markets such as pre-employment with My Profile, both business and professional coaching with My Coach, various types of sales with My Sales Success, network marketing with My Network Success, and child behavioral assessment with My Child. This summer there will be a new product, My Career Match, directed at both High Schools and Universities.


Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Phone 870.234.8400

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