Saturday, November 29, 2008

"Take Your Sales to The Next Level"

A career salesperson understands that they must keep improving their skills in order to grow. Even seasoned professionals have to keep learning. After all, that's what makes life fun and interesting. We all have to grow!

Good communication skills is an "art form" that has to be worked on constantly.

Do you ever wish to be better at communicating?

Do you every wish you could read your customer's thoughts?

Do you every wish you knew "what to say" and "when to say it"?

If you have answered yes to any of the above, then watch this slide show.........

Personality training removes the guess work from reading your customer's thoughts. You don't have to know specifically what they are thinking. You just need to know how they think and how they buy.

You will find out more information online.

When visit with a new customer or client, what do you attempt to do?

What is your goal in this initial conversation?

The first thing you should do is try to get to know a little about them (and I don't mean get personal). With some, asking about family, work, and maybe even hobbies is great. They like to talk and may give you more than you wanted. With others, it's considered prying and they do not like it.

Personality training is the only way to really understand this. First, you must know you own. Then you can learn to speed read others and present yourself (and your information) in a way that they are receptive too.

Some want you to quickly get to the point.

Some want get to know you and socialize a bit.

Some want to pass the information by some friends, first.

Some want all the data and they will decide for themselves.

If we learn to adjust our thinking and presentation, we stand a much better chance of making the sale.

To get more information on this powerful tool, visit us online.

I would like to be a "fly on the wall" once you begin to use this............

Bob "The nonGeek Geek"

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