Friday, July 11, 2008

"Outsell Everyone You Know!"

Let’s say you sell Real Estate…..actually you could be selling anything from pencils to computers to air planes. The product doesn’t really matter. For some reason, it seems like the majority of the people that I network with are selling Real Estate so it has got to be a very attractive market.

Now, let’s just assume that you are an average Real Estate sales person….or broker…it doesn’t matter…..and you do a pretty good job of moving property in your area. You have joined all the right networking clubs, know bankers, insurance agents, and maybe even mortgage brokers. Point is you would be considered by most to be well connected so you get good referrals. You also do a reasonably good job of advertising keeping your name in front of everyone. The person I just described, I think, would have most of his (or her) bases covered and should make a pretty decent income for their area.

What if you were this person and could “up the ante”? I mean really up it!

From all my years of experience of buy homes, buying cars, buying furniture, or for that matter buying anything, I think I could count on one had the number of sales that were done correctly. I would be willing to bet that you have had a similar experience.

What if YOU could be the one that people wanted to “buy from”. You don’t really have to sell anyone because they are hunting you.

The answer is much simpler than you think.

A friend of mind to me recently that there are really only two reasons that someone buys anything………pain relief or pleasure. No other reason causes us to buy.

Back to Real Estate……I’m not picking on you folks. I just want to make a point. Go to MyProfile, then click on the new online store. Read through the Educational Products particularly Audio CDs, Training Programs, and Workbooks & Paper Profiles. Read what these products offer.

If you are a business owner, read the information on Training Programs. It’s powerful stuff. The price you pay is a small fraction of the real value. When I start seminars in a new market, I usually charge $195 per person…’s normally $395. Now, this seminar only contains a small portion of the online Training Program. I simply don’t have time to cover everything this Training Program has to offer. Plus it’s self study. Learn at your own pace. Plus you get 5 coupons instead of 1 that I give at my seminars.

Go to MyProfile for more information.

I hope to hear some good news soon!

Bob “The nonGeek Geek”

Thursday, July 10, 2008

"It Is Finally Here......"

Folks I have been waiting for this for a while. I knew it was coming but just couldn’t say anything until NOW……..I wanted to so badly but just couldn’t. Announcing the opening of our New Online Store at MyProfile.

For those of you in sales……..real estate, retail, insurance etc…… would you like to increase your closures by 2, 3, or 4 times what you currently do? Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. In fact, according to company records, MyProfile has help people increase their sales by over 400% on average. And just how can you do this? Easy, learn to detect and talk effectively to each personality. There are some very specific techniques for doing just that. This will put you way ahead of your competition. I know ‘cause I’ve done it! It works!

What about learning to motivate and “talk to” your kids, spouse, or co-workers all from a simple, self study program.

These are just a few of the possibilities that are available to you by using these products. In fact, you will notice on our web site that we have products targeted for 6 different markets. We each market, MyProfile has designed reports specifically for that market.

Here are just a few product examples:

Audio CD - Discover your Unique Personality Style

The foundation of personal and professional success lies in knowing your strengths, understanding others, and realizing the impact of your personal behavior on others – at work, at home and in your community.

Using this powerful CD you will:
• Discover your natural gifts and talent
• Develop new relationship skills for life and busines
• Improve communication to motivate and resolve conflicts quickly
• Become a smarter manager, coach and trainer

(more info at Bob's MyProfile)

Training Program - Introduction to Personality & Behavioral Analysis

In this study course you will learn how to harness the power of your personality to maximize your effectiveness in dealing with people, improve your earning potential and gain confidence in your business and personal life to fulfill your goals.

This training is an investment in you, your organization and personal relationships. It will equip you with new skills to effectively consult, coach and communicate with others.

These tools apply equally to business, corporations and individuals.

Here's what you get when you order this training program

• 3 x Audio CDs
• 5 x Online Personality Profiles
• Over 170 page Training Manual
• Business development material and tips for using the products for greatest advantage
• Online Certification Exam
• Platinum Reseller License
• Opportunity to become a Certified Myprofile Trainer

Using MYPROFILE as a part of your consulting practice or in-house training, you can...

• Gain more self confidence and personal power
• Learn quick tips for improving your communication skills
• Genuinely know and understand what makes people tick
• Maximize personal strengths and minimize weaknesses
• Connect WHO you are with WHAT you love to do
• Positively influence your children, spouse and workmates

(more info at Bob's MyProfile)

This is just a sampling of what is offered. The training program should be an essential part of any small business. There are business tips and marketing tips included that just by themselves are worth the price of the program. Plus, you get 5 coupons for online tests (valued at $250).

There is no way anyone could loose on this unless you just don’t use it.

Have a look through the store ( and let me know if you need help. I’m not pushy, I just want you to be satisfied. You can contact me by email at, skype (ID bob_thomason), or call me at 1-870-234-8400.

Bob “The nonGeek Geek”

Friday, July 4, 2008

"Walk The Line....."

I received a news letter recently from Mike Dillard that was really on target. I'm sure many of you have attended network marketing events and it seems like you are the only one who hasn't made Big Bucks. Your the only looser in the croud.

I remember going to a convention in Dallas and it seemed as though about every other person I visited with had just started a few months earlier and was already making several thousand a month. Now that's disheartening ......... made me feel like "I" was missing something. This was one of the reasons that I had quit network marketing before and now I was experiencing it all over again.

Since then, I've learned what I always suspected. Network marketing is like any other business. It takes time, learning, and a huge dose of work to become truly successful. There is NO shortcut.

Here are excerpts from his letter.........

"Walk The Line..."
- A Raving Rant By Mike Dillard
Complete With Photos.

Well, I'm sitting here about 11:00 PM watching "Walk The Line" for the fourth or fifth time, and every time I do, it still inspires me.


Because it's about a man who followed his dream though hell and high water. He was willing to do whatever it took, and even managed to do so while battling the personal demons that haunted him and the conflicts he struggled with at home.

I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you've got to make a choice... You either do what you need to, or you don't...

There is not middle ground... No "have your cake and eat it to".

I'm not intelligent by society's standard. It took me 5 years to graduate from college with a 2.0 and my newsletters have more spelling errors than Paris Hilton has boyfriends.

I took all of my finance classes, all of my accounting classes, and all of my math classes THREE TIMES EACH, before I passed them.

But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don't...

I knew enough to know, that there is no "we'll do it for you" solution to anything in life, let alone home businesses which usually prey upon those with that mentality.

I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barne's and Noble reading "real" books on business.

I knew enough to know, that if I wanted to stop buying leads, I'd need to learn how to generate my own, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to sell my business and products to people, that I'd need to learn how to write a sales letter, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew that if I wanted to make my own sales letters, I'd need to learn how to make a website, so I bought some books and learned how.

I knew enough to know that if I wanted to be successful in network marketing, I'd need to get over my fear of the phone, so I took a job that required me to make 200-300 cold calls per day, and learned how.

But here's the one thing I NEVER DID during the past 6 years that allowed me to go from A to Rich...

I never complained, I never whined, I never bitched, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying than to have lived it in resignation that I didn't have what it took.

I don't want to burst your bubble, but here's God's Honest Truth...

If you want what I've got, you've got to be willing to do what I've done.

You've got to earn the right through blood, sweat, and tears, and there is NO alternative, so don't ever ask me or anyone else if there's an "easy way" to do something.

Are you willing to do that?

Then here's "My List"... The price I paid to get to where I am, found on the bookshelves you'll see pictured below...

Thing and Grow Rich
How To Win Friends And Influence People

The Aladdin Factor

Speed Enrollers

The Irresistible Offer

The Obvious Expert

Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Countless hours of conference calls

Countless email newsletters from dozens of trainers

Countless phone conversations with successful mentors


So here's the bottom line...

NEVER... EVER... ask me if there's an easy way to generate leads, make money online, or build a downline.

Don't EVER ask me if "Magnetic Sponsoring" will work for you or your company. (Of course it will).

Don't EVER ask me if it's the only book you'll ever need to buy. (Of course it's not).

Don't EVER ask me why I charge what I charge for the knowledge in Magnetic Sponsoring or Traffic Formula.

Don't EVER whine or complain when a prospect rejects your weak phone call.

Don't EVER ask me if there's a magic pill that will change your life.




Success is not the result of luck or an accident.

Success is not fast.

Success is the culmination of countless failures and endless hours of study.

But most of all... Success is worth the sacrifice.


As you can see, Mike has had to pay the price and I think anyone who is truly successful in any business has a price to pay. It's the price of admission to a different way of living a happy and abundant life.

I am worth it, and, You are worth it! We simply have to make the choice that no matter what happens, we won't quit working on ourselves and our dreams.

Bob "The nonGeek Geek"