Network marketing is simply selling goods or services by word-of-mouth. And, since word-of-mouth is THE most effective type of advertising, network marketing should be the most effective and profitable business to be in.
Then, why isn’t it? Or, why don’t most people that enter the network marketing industry make money?
I have been in an around the network marketing industry for a number of years. I’ve heard the promises. Listened to the lure of big money, and, at the same time wandered…just like so many of you….why doesn’t it work for me? Those that have made money are no better than me….or are they? What is different about the successful ones? I’ve always been told that anyone can do it and be successful. I just haven’t seen the results.
This type of thinking happens all too often. Network marketing is simply a business like any other business. The problem comes about because of the wrong approach by both veterans and “newbies”. “Ah, you need to take a look at this new thing I’m doing. You can make a ton of money and have the lifestyle you have always wanted.” Sound familiar?
To start with, network marketing is made up of independent business people. This means that you must be an entrepreneur or learn how to think like an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur does not have someone telling them what to do next. An entrepreneur must decide for themselves what to do each and every day. Sometimes an entrepreneur must think “outside the box” to solve a problem.
Network marketing IS a business that anyone can do and do well. But, enter this business with caution. Understand that you may not possess the necessary skills to be a success, so, you have to learn them and learn while you work.
When approaching someone as a potential customer or business partner, leave the hype at home. Learn to focus on the person you are in front of. Learn to ask questions and think about their answers. When you become good at this, you can become hugely successful with any network marketing company.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”