Saturday, November 29, 2008
"Take Your Sales to The Next Level"
Good communication skills is an "art form" that has to be worked on constantly.
Do you ever wish to be better at communicating?
Do you every wish you could read your customer's thoughts?
Do you every wish you knew "what to say" and "when to say it"?
If you have answered yes to any of the above, then watch this slide show.........
Personality training removes the guess work from reading your customer's thoughts. You don't have to know specifically what they are thinking. You just need to know how they think and how they buy.
You will find out more information online.
When visit with a new customer or client, what do you attempt to do?
What is your goal in this initial conversation?
The first thing you should do is try to get to know a little about them (and I don't mean get personal). With some, asking about family, work, and maybe even hobbies is great. They like to talk and may give you more than you wanted. With others, it's considered prying and they do not like it.
Personality training is the only way to really understand this. First, you must know you own. Then you can learn to speed read others and present yourself (and your information) in a way that they are receptive too.
Some want you to quickly get to the point.
Some want get to know you and socialize a bit.
Some want to pass the information by some friends, first.
Some want all the data and they will decide for themselves.
If we learn to adjust our thinking and presentation, we stand a much better chance of making the sale.
To get more information on this powerful tool, visit us online.
I would like to be a "fly on the wall" once you begin to use this............
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Friday, November 21, 2008
"Some cool social networking tools"
As you can see, this streams inside my blog. This can also be linked to other social networking site which makes all the Web 2.0 tools very handy. Thanks SlideShare, you done a great job here.
P.S. I noticed that when adding the music, you need to use IE (Internet Explorer) for the editing functions to work. I'm sure that will change soon.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
"Some Fun Times Ahead"
The radio shows are indeed fun to do. The driving force, though, is the economy. The economic landscape is definitely changing so will be hosting a radio broadcast this week on this very subject. My guests will be sharing information on new was to grow your hard earned money.
Please join me on our broadcast of Fresh Money and learn from the best. I promise to keep it simple and fun.
I invite everyone to listen in and quit loosing money.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Friday, November 7, 2008
"The Art of Networking"
I came across the information from Tim Houston that I felt is worth repeating:
Art of Networking
Reality Networking
Why you shouldn't expect instant results.
by Tim Houston
On reality TV, you can find the love of your life, win a competition, or even lose weight in a matter of weeks. TV shows like this tell us that doing small tasks over a period of six to eight weeks will ensure success—at least in some underdeveloped aspect of our lives.
However, what the public doesn't know is that the success often doesn't last. They lose the job, they put the weight back on, or their divorce ends up on the front page of the tabloids.
It's back to square one.
Networking is different. It requires us to do more than just the minimum over an extended period of time. All too often, the neophyte networker believes that they can attend networking events or groups whenever they want, hand out business cards and expect people to instantly start doing business with them. They fool themselves into believing that they are credible in the eyes of those they meet and expect instant business to transpire.
When it doesn't happen like on TV, they convince themselves (and try to convince everyone they meet), that networking doesn't work and is a waste of time, energy, and money. They blame everyone and everything else for their impatience and, thus, lack of success. The excuses are abundant:
"It's the organization's fault."
"They aren't the right people for me to network with."
"The economy's not doing well."
"The weather was bad that day."
Two recent (yet somewhat common) BNI experiences help illustrate this point.
Case #1: An insurance professional contacted me complaining that despite three months in her networking group, she hadn't received a single referral. She asked if she could transfer to a bigger group.
When I looked at her attendance, I saw it was poor. Plus, she didn't give her chapter members any referrals. Nor did she learn about others on an individual basis. Meanwhile, her colleagues who are in other BNI chapters are literally cleaning up and laughing all the way to the bank.
Why? Because they don't buy into the instant-results mentality. They do what is required of them. They build relationships with the people in their chapter. They spend time educating their marketing team to find referrals and referral sources. They ask for key introductions to sources of referrals.
Case #2: I was contacted by someone in a neighboring BNI region who wanted to leave his chapter because "it just wasn't working out."
When I asked how long he had been in his current chapter he said, "Two weeks, and I haven't seen a single referral!"
When asked if someone explained to him that this takes time and effort, he replied, "Yeah, but …" and provided several excuses as to why he wanted to leave his chapter. He thought he was entitled to referrals just by being a part of his chapter!
A Healthy Dose of Reality
Woody Allen is quoted as saying that "90% of success in life is just showing up." Apparently people believe it whenever they go to mixers, trade shows, and networking groups. I respectfully and strongly disagree.
The bottom line is that most business people either don't understand or embrace the hard work that comes with building relationships. Yet, because they believe they deserve instant results—something that networking doesn't afford—they boldly conclude that it doesn't work.
Remember, unlike reality TV, success in BNI won't happen overnight. To produce the desired, positive results, you need to work hard: schedule the time to attend a meeting or an event, and then follow-up with the people you meet to start laying the foundation to a relationship. It's more than just tuning in for 90 minutes, once a week.
The reality of networking is that it takes time. It's going to be hard; it's going to be laborious. But it's going to be well worth it. When done right, it creates a positive reality for the member, the chapter, and ultimately, the bank account.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"MySpace Discussion Groups"
My son and particularly my daughter can run circles around me. So, I'm try to "catch the wave" and learn how to use this for business and it's harder than I thought. There are SO many ways to socialize and attract that it's a daunting task for me to just feel like I'm accomplishing something.....anything!
I am determined to learn though so I invite you to join us in one or more of the groups listed below. Each has a different market focus but all are designed for good, healthy discussions. All of these groups have a common thread which is MyProfile ........ an Australian firm specializing in personality testing and communications. We have tools for each of these markets, but, I need to know more about your market, your problems, and desires. This will help me and others greatly in our business development. So, by joining you are helping me as well as provide healthy discussions of different topics.
Here they are:
Sales - This group is center around the sales industry (i.e. Real Estate, Cars, Furniture, Insurance, you name it). We want your thought on different issues that surround your industry. Your insight, problems, solutions, and even successes.
Career Counselors - Discussions on assisting and motivating students (High School and College) in their search for a career.
Network Success - A network marketing discussion group focused on "How-To's" and success stories.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Friday, October 24, 2008
"ONline Seminar - Closing Fast"
It was simply amazing how fast people signed up for this. Now, we are almost full with only a few spots left (as I am writing this) and those will be gone today. (see sign-up link)
These are truly exciting times and I thank God everyday for the blessing that I am receiving.
Join me on Facebook ( and MySpace ( as we discuss a variety of business topics that will help you succeed regardless of your business endeavors.
I look forward to meeting you soon.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Friday, October 10, 2008
"WOW! I Just Finished a 10 Day Trip of the East Coast"
I spend 10 days with my mom and about 50 other locals touring Nashville, Asheville, Charleston, and Savana. We traveled to many sites, ate well (....too well), drove through the Great Smoky Mountains, toured the Biltmore House, and ate at The Lady and Sons Restaurant (Paula Deans place). It was definitely a whirl wind tour. We were up every morning and on the road by 8.......mostly. Each day was filled with things to see and do. Plus we ate and ate and get the picture. We never had time to get hungry.
I've included a few pictures below (actually took over 400):
Bob "The nonGeek Geek
Thursday, September 4, 2008
"Secrets to Your Success Seminar" coming to Searcy, AR on September 18, 2008
This Seminar has been called, "The Modern Day Version of Winning Friends and Influencing People!"
My Question is ....would you [and/or your staff] find any value in and be open to learning any or all of the following:
- Gain power and influence with people?
- Communicate effectively no matter what the situation?
- Learn to handle each of the 4 unique personality styles?
- Earn higher commissions and greater sales?
- Simplify your life?
- Develop charisma?
- Give your customers astounding service?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, then this is the Seminar for you.
For more information, visit
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
"We could use some help!"
I have openings for dynamic Seminar Trainers in most states in the US and Canada. There are six different markets to choose from. Select the one (or ones) that best suit you. Excellent income potential for qualified persons.
Visit for details.
Contact: Bob Thomason
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"What is the Perfect Career for You? "

Confucius said “If you’re in a job you love you’ll never have to work a day in your life".
It’s a great quote because it sums up the importance of being in a job that matches your personality style. The right job enhances your life. It is personally fulfilling because it nourishes the most important aspects of your personality.
The secret of career satisfaction lies in doing what you enjoy most.
This CAREER MATCH CD is designed to help students and those searching for a new direction in their career, and contains
- Connecting WHO you are with WHAT you love to do
- The secret to finding the perfect career
- How to choose a career that’s right for you
- What strengths and talent you bring to a job
This CD is a great resource to
Monday, August 11, 2008
"And, Just Who Do You Think Your Are?"
Over the course of my life, I cannot count the number of times I have heard this statement. Not always directed at me, mind you, but it is always said with a common purpose in mind quite simply as a put down. Regardless as to who the intended recipient is, it’s said to keep you in check. Keep you from getting “too big for your britches” as my mother use to say.
You know, as it turns out, it is import for us to consider “just who we think we are”. Thoughts…..good or bad…….lead to action, action leads to results, and results reinforces who we are.
I’ve talked to so many people who just feel trapped in their everyday life and work. People who want more but just feel that they don’t have enough education or they don’t have enough experience or they don’t have the right job or……..well, you get picture.
If you are looking for something to blame, blame yourself. Then, you can correct it. If you blame someone else or your lack of money or your lack of meeting the right person or your lack of “luck”, you’re not on the right track. The only thing that you can change in this world is you. You can’t change your spouse or your kids or your parents or anyone else but you. So, the sooner you take responsibility for who you are and where you want to go, the sooner you can get there.
Now, I ask it again “And, just who do you think you are?”
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Friday, July 11, 2008
"Outsell Everyone You Know!"
Now, let’s just assume that you are an average Real Estate sales person….or broker…it doesn’t matter…..and you do a pretty good job of moving property in your area. You have joined all the right networking clubs, know bankers, insurance agents, and maybe even mortgage brokers. Point is you would be considered by most to be well connected so you get good referrals. You also do a reasonably good job of advertising keeping your name in front of everyone. The person I just described, I think, would have most of his (or her) bases covered and should make a pretty decent income for their area.
What if you were this person and could “up the ante”? I mean really up it!
From all my years of experience of buy homes, buying cars, buying furniture, or for that matter buying anything, I think I could count on one had the number of sales that were done correctly. I would be willing to bet that you have had a similar experience.
What if YOU could be the one that people wanted to “buy from”. You don’t really have to sell anyone because they are hunting you.
The answer is much simpler than you think.
A friend of mind to me recently that there are really only two reasons that someone buys anything………pain relief or pleasure. No other reason causes us to buy.
Back to Real Estate……I’m not picking on you folks. I just want to make a point. Go to MyProfile, then click on the new online store. Read through the Educational Products particularly Audio CDs, Training Programs, and Workbooks & Paper Profiles. Read what these products offer.
If you are a business owner, read the information on Training Programs. It’s powerful stuff. The price you pay is a small fraction of the real value. When I start seminars in a new market, I usually charge $195 per person…’s normally $395. Now, this seminar only contains a small portion of the online Training Program. I simply don’t have time to cover everything this Training Program has to offer. Plus it’s self study. Learn at your own pace. Plus you get 5 coupons instead of 1 that I give at my seminars.
Go to MyProfile for more information.
I hope to hear some good news soon!
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Thursday, July 10, 2008
"It Is Finally Here......"
For those of you in sales……..real estate, retail, insurance etc…… would you like to increase your closures by 2, 3, or 4 times what you currently do? Sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. In fact, according to company records, MyProfile has help people increase their sales by over 400% on average. And just how can you do this? Easy, learn to detect and talk effectively to each personality. There are some very specific techniques for doing just that. This will put you way ahead of your competition. I know ‘cause I’ve done it! It works!
What about learning to motivate and “talk to” your kids, spouse, or co-workers all from a simple, self study program.
These are just a few of the possibilities that are available to you by using these products. In fact, you will notice on our web site that we have products targeted for 6 different markets. We each market, MyProfile has designed reports specifically for that market.
Here are just a few product examples:
Audio CD - Discover your Unique Personality Style
The foundation of personal and professional success lies in knowing your strengths, understanding others, and realizing the impact of your personal behavior on others – at work, at home and in your community.
Using this powerful CD you will:
• Discover your natural gifts and talent
• Develop new relationship skills for life and busines
• Improve communication to motivate and resolve conflicts quickly
• Become a smarter manager, coach and trainer
(more info at Bob's MyProfile)
Training Program - Introduction to Personality & Behavioral Analysis
In this study course you will learn how to harness the power of your personality to maximize your effectiveness in dealing with people, improve your earning potential and gain confidence in your business and personal life to fulfill your goals.
This training is an investment in you, your organization and personal relationships. It will equip you with new skills to effectively consult, coach and communicate with others.
These tools apply equally to business, corporations and individuals.
Here's what you get when you order this training program
• 3 x Audio CDs
• 5 x Online Personality Profiles
• Over 170 page Training Manual
• Business development material and tips for using the products for greatest advantage
• Online Certification Exam
• Platinum Reseller License
• Opportunity to become a Certified Myprofile Trainer
Using MYPROFILE as a part of your consulting practice or in-house training, you can...
• Gain more self confidence and personal power
• Learn quick tips for improving your communication skills
• Genuinely know and understand what makes people tick
• Maximize personal strengths and minimize weaknesses
• Connect WHO you are with WHAT you love to do
• Positively influence your children, spouse and workmates
(more info at Bob's MyProfile)
This is just a sampling of what is offered. The training program should be an essential part of any small business. There are business tips and marketing tips included that just by themselves are worth the price of the program. Plus, you get 5 coupons for online tests (valued at $250).
There is no way anyone could loose on this unless you just don’t use it.
Have a look through the store ( and let me know if you need help. I’m not pushy, I just want you to be satisfied. You can contact me by email at, skype (ID bob_thomason), or call me at 1-870-234-8400.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Friday, July 4, 2008
"Walk The Line....."
I remember going to a convention in Dallas and it seemed as though about every other person I visited with had just started a few months earlier and was already making several thousand a month. Now that's disheartening ......... made me feel like "I" was missing something. This was one of the reasons that I had quit network marketing before and now I was experiencing it all over again.
Since then, I've learned what I always suspected. Network marketing is like any other business. It takes time, learning, and a huge dose of work to become truly successful. There is NO shortcut.
Here are excerpts from his letter.........
"Walk The Line..."
- A Raving Rant By Mike Dillard
Complete With Photos.
Well, I
Because it
I want you to understand something about me, and from this day forward, I want you to take a long hard look at yourself and decided want it is that you REALLY want out of life because you
There is not middle ground... No "have your cake and eat it to".
I took all of my finance classes, all of my accounting classes, and all of my math classes THREE TIMES EACH, before I passed them.
But I was smart enough to know a few things that most people don
I knew enough to know, that there is no "we
I knew enough to know, that I needed to learn more if I was to get what I wanted, which is why I spent most of my college years not in class, but at Barne
I knew enough to know, that if I wanted to stop buying leads, I
I knew enough to know that if I wanted to sell my business and products to people, that I
I knew that if I wanted to make my own sales letters, I
I knew enough to know that if I wanted to be successful in network marketing, I
But here
I never complained, I never whined, I never bitched, I never blamed anyone other than myself, and I never gave up because I would have rather spent my life in poverty trying than to have lived it in resignation that I didn
I don
If you want what I
Are you willing to do that?
Then here
How To Win Friends And Influence People
The Aladdin Factor
Speed Enrollers
The Irresistible Offer
The Obvious Expert
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Countless hours of conference calls
Countless email newsletters from dozens of trainers
Countless phone conversations with successful mentors
So here
NEVER... EVER... ask me if there
Success is not the result of luck or an accident.
Success is not fast.
Success is the culmination of countless failures and endless hours of study.
But most of all... Success is worth the sacrifice.
As you can see, Mike has had to pay the price and I think anyone who is truly successful in any business has a price to pay. It's the price of admission to a different way of living a happy and abundant life.
I am worth it, and, You are worth it! We simply have to make the choice that no matter what happens, we won't quit working on ourselves and our dreams.
Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Saturday, June 21, 2008
"Secrets to Your Success Seminars" going online
Due to overwhelming response to the "Secrets to Your Success Seminar", I've will be adding an online version. Initially this with be a "talk show" format, but I will continue to improve and push the envelope in what I offer.
Every day I talk to people that are eagerly wanting to learn more. The hunger is there I just have to find the right formats to present this. It's all part of "online", "offline" marketing.
As I have said many times, personality testing and training is nothing new but it's taking me by "storm". It has actually cause me to change careers. Scary? You bet, but exciting at the same time. I've looked diligently for several years for a business that flows with my thoughts. Now, it has found me and I'm eager to help others experience what I have experienced.
I am even developing a scholarship program so that no one is left behind. Persons qualifying for the scholarship program with be able to attend the seminars for free. They simply have to show up and dig in. I'll provide more details on this at a later date.
Bob"The nonGeek Geek"
“Secrets to Your Success Seminar” is just a few days away, June 26, 2008
The seminar debut date is close and I still have a lot of preparation to do. This is the first of what I pan to be many successful seminars and workshops with My Profile.
This has truly been a life changing event for me. I started last fall with a simple online test. Today it has become a business passion of mine.
Am I nervous? You bet, but I’m excited at the same time. It’s a hard feeling to describe. My excitement is based on the idea of giving back. I have something here that has had such a powerful impact on me that I can’t wait to give back…to help someone else make a difference in their life.
For the better part of 30 years I’ve been a business owner. During that time I have owned large…… least large to me…..and small businesses. I’ve had good times when business was great and thought I was on top of the world only to find business spiraling down to a screeching halt. I have been through this cycle more that once but have never found a business model that I could be passionate about. That is until now.
Now I have the ability to build for the long term a business that will keep me digging, learning, and teaching for years to come. Plus, I can find and teach others to do the same and that, my friend, is what I have “searched for” for many years. Now that I have found it, I am ready to dig in, learn, and enjoy the ride.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Monday, June 9, 2008
"If you want to sell more, stop selling and get people to buy"
There are seven things recruiters should 'be' if they want to succeed, according to business strategy expert Lars Löfstrand.
Speaking at an RCSA breakfast in
He says that while most companies "hire on skills, and fire on attitude", studies have shown that attitude is a much greater determinant of success in a role than skills, and it should be the main factor in hiring decisions.
Seven things to practice 'being'
Löfstrand says that to succeed in any role in work and life, we should practice "being" seven things.
Be focused. A lot of us don't have focus, or we focus on the wrong things, Löfstrand says. It's important to realize that, "what you focus on is what you'll get," he says. "If you don't like what you're getting, change what you do."
The purpose of a business is not to make money, it's to create and satisfy the customer, he says, quoting management guru Peter Drucker. If you focus on money you're thinking about yourself and you lose sight of the customer, he says. "It's so subtle that we miss it. Most salespeople are trying to give the customer what they want for them as opposed to what the customer wants.
"You need to create the need [for your services] in the person and then satisfy that need," he says. "If you want to sell more, stop selling and get people to buy."
Be humble. To be humble you need to be teachable, Löfstrand says. However, "most of us are trying to teach". He says that "we tend to box off what we know", but if we don't change we will, by default, be changed.
Be honest. "We're lacking this trait in business today," Löfstrand says. "But there's nothing more sexy to a client than an honest supplier. If you don't know something, tell them. Because people don't care what you know, they care what they know.
"If you show that they know more than you, they will like that. There's a saying: 'If you get people to tell you what they already know, they will consider you a genius.'"
Be proactive. We've become too reactive in business, Löfstrand says. "We tend only to react when things happen. If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. Too many of us are waiting around for things to happen. Make them happen. Be proactive."
Be effective. Lots of people are efficient, but not effective, Löfstrand says. People who are efficient "do things right", but those who are effective "do the right things".
Löfstrand says an exercise will help you make the right choices in your work - he calls it the "
Take three sheets of A4 paper (he says this needs to be done on paper - it won't work in your head) and add the headings "keep", "stop" and "start".
For the first, ask yourself, "What am I doing in my business that is working?" List these things and keep doing them.
Then ask, "What am I doing that is destructive, or not working?" Stop doing these things.
Finally, ask, "What should I be doing that could work?" and start doing these things.
Be positive. Löfstrand says we've become too negative in life. He says people are born positive but are conditioned negative - "we kill that in children".
We are who we are because of the choices we make, not because of either nature or nurture, he says. "Ultimately it's not what happens to you in life, but how you choose to deal with it. Choice is a key factor in determining what you get."
Be passionate. The word "passion" comes from the Latin term meaning "to suffer", and Löfstrand says that to be passionate, "sometimes you have to suffer".
If you compare the things in your life that came easily to you to those that were earned through your blood, sweat and tears you'll usually value the latter much more, he says.
If success in your work isn't something you're willing to suffer for, maybe you're not passionate about it and it would just be "a nice thing to have".
Thursday, May 29, 2008
“Network Marketing – Enter With Caution”
Network marketing is simply selling goods or services by word-of-mouth. And, since word-of-mouth is THE most effective type of advertising, network marketing should be the most effective and profitable business to be in.
Then, why isn’t it? Or, why don’t most people that enter the network marketing industry make money?
I have been in an around the network marketing industry for a number of years. I’ve heard the promises. Listened to the lure of big money, and, at the same time wandered…just like so many of you….why doesn’t it work for me? Those that have made money are no better than me….or are they? What is different about the successful ones? I’ve always been told that anyone can do it and be successful. I just haven’t seen the results.
This type of thinking happens all too often. Network marketing is simply a business like any other business. The problem comes about because of the wrong approach by both veterans and “newbies”. “Ah, you need to take a look at this new thing I’m doing. You can make a ton of money and have the lifestyle you have always wanted.” Sound familiar?
To start with, network marketing is made up of independent business people. This means that you must be an entrepreneur or learn how to think like an entrepreneur. An entrepreneur does not have someone telling them what to do next. An entrepreneur must decide for themselves what to do each and every day. Sometimes an entrepreneur must think “outside the box” to solve a problem.
Network marketing IS a business that anyone can do and do well. But, enter this business with caution. Understand that you may not possess the necessary skills to be a success, so, you have to learn them and learn while you work.
When approaching someone as a potential customer or business partner, leave the hype at home. Learn to focus on the person you are in front of. Learn to ask questions and think about their answers. When you become good at this, you can become hugely successful with any network marketing company.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Monday, May 19, 2008
“See It, Feel It, Smell It, and Enjoy It”
Having gone though all of this in an effort to improve ME, I’ve have found one thing that works for me. Write down your #1 goal. Get pictures of it. Create a vision, a mental movie. Play the movie everyday, several times a day if you can.
As you can well see, the whole idea hear is to imagine yourself with your goal. You must mentally “be there” having already achieved it. When you can do this, it must happen.
Your job is to decide what YOU want and focus on “having it”. This will inspire the proper activity. Follow that. Everything else, God will provide.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Monday, May 12, 2008
“What Are You Really Selling?”
I’ve heard this many times from many people and still it seems that most do not understand what a sale is all about. It’s
Ever caught yourself talking to someone and YOU dominate the conversation. Now you’ve been told (sometimes more than once) to focus on the other person, and, you want to you really, really do but just can’t seem to hold your thoughts long enough to do so. You start by asking some questions…… you should. Then they ask you something and away you go. By the time you realize what you are doing, several minutes have passed and you have forgotten where you were.
I’ve done this many times fully intending to be the one listening and asking questions but I’ve trained myself, over the years, to do the talking and not listening. Can I correct that? Absolutely! But it takes practice. It takes hard effort on your part to sit back, ask questions, and listen. Then ask more questions and listen.
I even have a script that I follow, when possible, to keep me on track. It seems difficult at first, but, like anything else it simply takes practice.
For me it has been practice…..practice…..practice.
For those of you who do succeed in this one little change, you are among an elite group of people who actually do make the switch. I promise you that now the world is yours for the asking.
Everyone will want to be your friend because you actually seem to care and listen. Remember “care” and “listen” go together. If you don’t listen, you don’t care. If you don’t care, you don’t listen.
In the final analysis, you will understand that you are merely selling yourself. Once you do that, then the rest is just sharing your thoughts and knowledge.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
“Success is in the Little Things”
The other day I had a good visit with a new friend that I met over the internet in response to some information I requested.
First of all, I hesitate to fill out such information because, like you, I don’t want to get “spewed” with a bunch of recruiting hype. Believe me, I know the routine quite well because I been there and done it.
In the course of filling out information on a number of web sites…….wanted to se who would respond, I got an email from a guy and it appeared to be personally written. Hmmmm…..interesting. I was not expecting that so I responded and asked that he call.
Again, I’m not sure what will happen next, but, I knew I could handle the conversation and share some experience myself.
In the course of our conversation, I found a way to use the information I published in the last blog. The one below.
Now, the person that I learned this from stated that it was very important to follow the questioning in a specific order. Regardless as to how the conversation goes, do not change the order of questioning.
Here is an email that I got after our visit:
“Bob, thanks for taking the time to talk with me this morning. I enjoyed it. I think it was the first time that I heard someone do prospecting the right way. They can tell you the right way but few people actually do it. I learned a lot, so thank you for that.”………….
This just proves once more that network marketing is a people business. It has everything to do with our desire (and ability) to serve other. The desire comes from the heart, while the ability comes from practice.
This is why I say “Success is in the Little Things”.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek"
Monday, May 5, 2008
"Asking The Right Questions"
I was visiting with a friend of mine, David, the other day and asked about his job. David seemed to enjoy his work as an investment broker. I wanted to know more so I asked a few questions about his job.
As we were talking, he mentioned that he had a lot to learn about sales. He knows the information about his products but his concern was in the sales procedure. “How do I get them to ask questions?” David asked. “How do I get them to say yes when I have explained my products but they still say nothing?"
This all comes down to sales techniques. There a number of techniques or approaches and it is important to learn when to use each one. “With one of my clients, recently,” David said “I went through the sales presentation base on the investments the client was making. This all went very well. But, when I finished my presentation, my client and his wife just sat there. I felt lost. What do I do now?” I gave him a few suggestions and said “You know, you might consider doing a personality profile designed for sales people like yourself.” Now, he liked the idea that I share with him and asked for more information.
You see, just by engaging someone in a little conversation, I was able to help someone and sell my product at the same time. I didn’t have to find a way to “pit” my product. I just asked questions, listened, and offer a few pointers and a solution to his frustration.
After all, this is the way networking is supposed to work. It’s simple. But it takes practice and forethought. As you do so, it becomes part of your way of thinking. Then it is easy, not before.
So, ask the right questions and you will get the right answers.
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Friday, May 2, 2008
"WOW! What A Difference A Day Makes"
It wasn’t that long ago that I was really struggling for business.
As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve been in the wrong business for years. Now, I’m in the right business, feeling good, and working hard on me. This is where the fun begins. When you are growing…….and struggling, business is a daily challenge. And believe me, I have hit some real challenges at times. But that’s where the real fun is. Stay in the “trenches” as long as you can.
Now, being in the “trenches” does not mean your broke. It just means that you are doing every day the same things that got you THERE!
Recently I was listening to an interview with Allan Pease (listen). It was so interesting, I made notes and I am including them in this post.
Do you know what network marketing is all about?
Well, let me show you this as the key.
(use this response regardless of their answer)
Basic Reasons:
- have extra income
- have financial freedom
- have your own business
- more spare time
- personal development
- helping others
- meeting new people
- retirement or leaving a legacy
- What is your #1 reason from the list?
- ________, that’s interesting.
- Why would pick that as #1?
- Are these things important to you?
- Why are they important to you?
- What would be the consequences of not having an opportunity like that for yourself?
- Would that worry you being in that situation?
- Why would that worry you?
- Let me summarize what I think I’m hearing you say.
- What you are saying is “The sort of opportunity in life that would give you all those things, __________.
- That’s exactly the opportunity that network marketing presents. Would you like me to show you how it would work for you?
In your presentation, show them where they will achieve their goals on in the presentation timeline.
This simple exercise will boost business tremendously. Why? Because you are building their “why” not yours. You are leading them instead of selling them. Maybe I should say that you are “selling them on themselves”. This is what network marketing is all about. Building relationships and serving others.
Have a great day!
Bob “The nonGeek Geek”
Phone: 870.234.8400
Thursday, May 1, 2008
"17 Years In The Wrong Business"
MAGNOLIA, AR – After 17 years as a computer business owner, Bob Thomason realized that he had been in the wrong business. A simple online test was a real “eye opener”.
“I’ve known for years that I was not among the best programmers but I did not understand really why. I just knew that it required a mental focus could really be a challenge at times.” said Bob. “I also knew that I enjoyed talking and working with people more than programming and saw this as an asset but did not really understand what was going on in my head.”
Last fall Bob was introduced to an online psychometric (personality) test by a friend while working on other business projects. He was encouraged several times to take the test to satisfy a curiosity. “Wow”, said Bob, “This is a real eye opener for me. I knew I lacked focus but I did not know why. This simple report has just given me one of the biggest clues in my life.”
Psychometric testing is certainly nothing new. Tests of this type were once very time consuming and difficult because they were taken on paper and required someone to analyze the results. Now, the ability to utilize this test through a simple online exam is truly remarkable.
My Profile is an Australian company that specializes in psychometric testing and training. They serve multiple markets such as pre-employment with My Profile, both business and professional coaching with My Coach, various types of sales with My Sales Success, network marketing with My Network Success, and child behavioral assessment with My Child. This summer there will be a new product, My Career Match, directed at both High Schools and Universities.
###Bob "The nonGeek Geek"
Phone 870.234.8400